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Androids are a class of NPCs in Sheltered 2.


After completely allying with or eradicating all existing factions on the map, the player will receive a partially distorted radio transmission indicating there has been an outbreak of some type, and a new quest entitled "The End?" becomes available, at a seemingly random hexagon tile on the map. Players attempting to travel through that square will be given a warning that entering this square will trigger the endgame, which is designed to increase in difficulty until the player's base is destroyed.

By triggering this quest, the player will meet a dying member of the New Order faction (despite that faction having been eradicated), who warns that the New Order was in control of an old government research facility that housed several androids. The androids have escaped the facility, and killed all the members inside the facility.

After triggering this quest, it becomes possible to meet androids at random encounters in their territory as well as have breaches by android attackers. A new notification appears at the status menu in the top right indicating the number of days since the android outbreak. Over time, the androids release more powerful models with increased stats and health pools and will attack more frequently (both in base and on expeditions) until players are no longer able to defend themselves. There will be 3 events every 5 days where the androids will actively attack bases and outposts, but players can visit there to attack the invaders. There is no way to end the android menace.

Androids are significantly stronger and more durable than typical human NPCs. They are immune to almost all debuffs and most of their melee attacks break limbs. They use "Locate Weakpoint" and "Disarm" skills. T1 Androids have 18 in every stat with 280 health and each T model adds another 2 to each stat and 20 health - at day 45 T8 androids appear with 32 in every stat and 420 health. T3 androids and onwards have 22+ dexterity so they will always act first. "Backstab" and "Calculated One-Two" punch while holding high base damage weapons tends to be the most effective.