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Wolves are aggressive animals that can occasionally attack expedition parties,


Wolves will wander around the world, and will intermittently attack any ongoing expedition parties. In combat, they will use certain abilities unique to them, such as 'Howl' and 'Bite'. Unlike traditional survivors, wolf encounters will not negotiate, so should you encounter a wolf, you will be forced to either initiate combat or flee. If you manage to kill a wolf or wolves, they will drop meat, leather, and animal fat. Meat can be used to cook food in stoves, microwaves, or ovens, leather can be used to make armour or backpacks, and animal fat is used to make repellent, an item that, when equipped, will reduce the chances of encountering wolves (and bears) by a whopping 90%.


As mentioned above, wolves use certain unique abilities such as 'Howl'. However, wolves are harder to deal than survivors, as they are classified as animals, and animals are programmed to be immune to the likes of the 'Dazed' effect and being subdued. Because of this, they cannot be taken into indoctrination cells and eventually kept as pets. As mentioned above, killed wolves drop meat, leather, and animal fat.


The player can easily prevent wolf attacks from occurring, the best way to do so is to craft and equip animal repellent. As stated above, repellent massively reduces the chances for animal encounters. This item can be very helpful when an expedition party is exploring in or crossing a forest or mountain biome, or if someone is hunting on a forest tile, because one animal encounter while hunting and the hunt will start all over again.

Skills & Loot

These are the skills wolves use to attack expedition parties.

Coloured terms are Buffs or Debuffs .

Wolf Skills & Abilities
Name Icon Description Damage Special Effects Stamina Cost
Bite ??? ??? Varies Bleeding ???
Howl ??? Applies fear to characters in combat 0 Fear 4

These are the items wolves drop when killed.

2★ Meat
2★ Leather
2★ Animal Fat