Travel Ration

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Travel rations

When going out on expeditions you will always use travel rations as to make sure your survivors aren't weak in case of anyone who is apposing you to battle. This is why it is essential to bring travel rations on your expeditions to an back from the trip to ensure you're ready for any fight.

Travel ration tips!

Tip #1: If you're exploring out further on your next expedition then bring an excess of travel rations. This is to make sure you can explore further/ search more buildings and get home a bit more safely.

Tip #2: Always use meat/ desperate meat to make rations with, as meat has a low substance value. Plus desperate meat gives no morale negatives when turned/ and used as travel rations. Using meat for travel rations is only the most beneficial during early game.

How travel rations are made

Making travel rations is actually quite simple I will show you how to do so below ↓

Making Travel rations (690).png
Making travel rations is very simple! All You have to right click on any pantry in your shelter. From there you should see prepare travel rations. Click the "Prepare rations option".
Screenshot (695).png
Now select the foods/meals you want to turn into travel rations. It is best practice to use any meats/ or meals for the best conversion but if you're low on water you can turn any crop into travel rations albeit being a lower amount of travel rations per a crop.