
From Sheltered 2 Wiki
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Categories help sort articles out by a common topic and should be added to articles where possible. Articles CAN have multiple categories and you will find that many of them will. Some examples of such are below.

How to add a category

Adding a category to the article can the done in the visual editor

Page Options ( cog / wheel in top right of the editor ) -> Categories -> Add a category to this page --> Type in the category -> Apply (top right).

Or if you're using the source editor, with the following wikitext at the bottom of the very bottom of article under all of the content.

<noinclude> [[Category: Category Name]] </noinclude>

There's also a very simple way to add them while reading (not editing) an article. At the very bottom there is a 'Categories' section, after expanding this you are given the option to 'Add Category'. There you can simply type in the name of the category (or categories one at a time).

Example Categories
  • Items -- All things considered to be 'Items' (ingredients, weapons, equipment etc.)
  • Objects -- All buildable structures for your shelter (including built-in structures such as the oxygen filter and water collector)
  • Locations -- Any article referring to a location type (lootable tiles, outpost etc.), or any other specific location (Faction HQ, special quest locations etc.)
  • Shelter -- Topics and objects specific to the shelter (including shelter-specific tutorials, shelter management, buildable objects and built-in facilities)
  • Survivors -- Articles referring to shelter survivors, their characteristics, stats, management etc.
  • Characters -- Any non-survivor character (any and all NPC's including uninteresting generic faction people that are not animals, these may get a separate category later)
  • Skills -- Skills from the skill tree, including those not available to player characters (for example only used by enemies like animals having 'Howl' and 'Bite')
  • Food -- Food items, meals and raw ingredients (including growable crops that are not flora)
  • Crafting -- Any article about items used as crafting ingredients, or more generalised articles about crafting tips etc.
  • Equipment -- Any items that are equipped to the 'Equipment' slot of a character
  • Medicines -- Any item that is used in or out of combat for health purposes, bandages, splints, anti-radiation tablets etc. (but not drugs)
  • Drugs -- Any drug item that can be taken for a temporary buff with a debuff comedown (not medicines)
  • Flora -- Any item used in crafting drugs and medicines that isn't a food or general material
  • Weapons -- Any item that can be equipped as weapons, including thrown weapons not directly equippable
  • Armour -- Items that protect characters from damage (such as bullet and stab proof vests)
  • Traps -- Buildable trap objects for the shelter
  • Valuables -- Gold, Silver and any future items only used for trade
  • Blueprints -- All blueprint articles and item/object articles that require blueprints
  • Factions -- Articles relating to factions, members, quests (given by factions)
  • Combat -- Anything relating to combat - tutorials, weapons, armour, activatable skills
  • Quests -- Articles relating to quests and jobs, including quest rewards
  • Spoiler -- Any article that contains spoilers
Example Categories by Article
  • Stabproof Vest -- Items, Equipment, Armour, Combat
  • First-Aid Kit -- Items, Medicines, Combat
  • Drafting Table -- Objects, Crafting, Shelter, Blueprints
  • Backpack Weight Training -- Skills
  • Crush Windpipe -- Skills, Combat