Documentation/Patch Notes

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Patch notes should be added when there is a Steam announcement. If the game is released on other platforms, a copy of the patch notes from that platform can be specifically added separately. (To be worked out later)

NOTE: These pages are protected and are only editable by wiki administrators -- This is in place because patch notes are important historical articles, they should not need editing once they have been added.

Article Name

Patch_Notes/v1.0.10 - with the version updated as appropriate

Article Content

See the source for Patch Notes/v1.0.10 for an example or 'Expand' this section for a details.

The article should begin with a direct link to the steam announcement, beginning with the steam logo in the following format:

<span class="fab fa-steam-square" style="font-size: 25px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; padding-right: 5px;" />[ Steam News - Patch <version> - <day> <month> <year>]

A full copy of the patch notes should then follow as a bullet list.

Updating Related Articles
Patch Notes

See the source for Patch Notes for an example or 'Expand' this section for a details.

A copy of the new patch notes article should be transcluded into the main patch notes article in reverse chronological order (newest at the top) using the following wikitext:

{{:Patch Notes/v1.0.10}}

This will make the entire article appear inside the Patch Notes article for bulk viewing if required.

Recent News
See the source for Recent_News for an example or 'Expand' this section for a details.

A link to the Steam announcement in the above format should be added to the recent news article. This will automatically add the announcement link to the 'Recent News' section of the right column of the Sheltered 2 Wiki home page.