Patch Notes/Experimental

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v1.2.14 'Pets & Pests'

Graphical Changes
  • Updated the rat trap model to a smaller version and changed the position of the doors to be front facing
Balancing Changes
  • Reduced the dirt value of human corpses. Their dirt value now increases as time goes on, maxing out after 48 hours
  • Reduced the dirt value of rat corpses
  • Reduced the dirt value of rat droppings
  • Reduced the amount of damage rats deal to objects from 5 to 3
  • Doubled the interval between rat spawn checks. Reduced from 8 spawn checks per day, to 4 per day
  • Increased the interval between rats generating waste. Reduced from 15 times per day to 4 times per day
  • Adjusted the percentage value that the Automatic Repairing skill will trigger at. Now triggers when an object is at 10% or less integrity. Skill description updated to reflect this
Crash Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash if a character tried to pass out from exhaustion in a floor with only one room
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where characters could get stuck broadcasting on the radio
  • Fixed an issue where loading a save file with a character with an upgrade job in their job queue could break the interaction resulting in the character getting stuck
  • Fixed issue where Mop & Bucket objects could get stuck “in use” after loading a save
  • Fixed an issue where vomit piles would be destroyed when saving and re-loading
  • Fixed issue with some food items not degrading (fried eggs, gammon egg and chips, mushroom omelette, meat and mushroom pie, vegetable pie, cabbage carbonara)
  • Fixed an issue where visiting an arranged trade meet with a faction, in a region you have just taken over, results in the encounter breaking
  • Fixed an issue where defending an outpost during the end game would not result in displaying the bloodied flag of the opponent
  • Fixed an issue where a burnt-out object could no longer be repaired
  • Fixed an issue where dogs would retain their saddle bag when returning from exploring in a vehicle
  • Fixed an issue where dogs could become stuck after returning from exploring in a vehicle
  • Fixed an issue where the deer audio would play forever

v1.2.11 'Pets & Pests'

Gameplay Changes
  • Jobs will no longer spawn on locations which are used for quests
  • Removed the notification popup when a cat returns to the shelter with no item
  • (NEW SAVES ONLY) The shelter now has a dog/cat feeding bowl object as standard if the player starts with a dog or cat
Balancing Changes
  • Rats hunted by the cat will now provide poor quality (one star) meat instead of excellent (three star) when being cleaned up
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where moving a snare trap with a snared rabbit would leave the rabbit in its original position
  • Fixed an issue where dogs would continue to animate when the game is paused after returning from an expedition
  • Fixed the Comfort Prisoner interaction
  • CCTV fixed! Now plays an alarm sound

v1.2.10 'Pets & Pests'

  • Increased the chance a rat will go into a rat trap (was: 25% every 2 minutes, now: 30% + 10% per each extra trap in the room every 1 minute)
Bug Fixes
  • Auto Save slots will now display correctly when they are first saved to
  • Glossary panel now updates correctly when changing language
  • Fixed broken Japanese translation on the broken equipment popup
  • Fixed an issue where the “amount to discard” menu would remain open when closing the inventory panel
  • The mood modifier “interrupted healing” will no longer be triggered if cancelling the rest job before the member reaches the bed
  • Fixed an issue where the dog’s skills would show on the members skill list in combat
  • Fixed an issue where rats would get stuck after saving and loading
  • Fixed an issue where the character wouldn’t render on the locker menu

v1.2 'Pets & Pests'

Steam News - Patch 1.2 'Pets & Pests' (Experimental) - 20th Apr 2022

New Content
  • Pet Dog
    • Dogs can be trained to learn from a range of 18 different skills
    • Can learn skills to help explore, fight in combat, and help out around the shelter
    • The number of skills they can learn is randomised
    • Each party member can be assigned their own dog, allowing for a maximum of four dogs in a party
    • Check out the “Pets – Dog” glossary entry in-game for more details
    • There are five different coat colours for the dog
  • Pet Cat
    • Cats have three skills which scale in effectiveness based on their stat levels:
      • They leave the shelter at night time to scavenge in the wastes. Returning in the morning with their bounties!
  • Could be meat, gold/silver items, bones, or junk items
      • They hunt rats that appear in the shelter
  • Any rats caught will be harvested for meat when cleaned up
      • They provide a positive mood modifier to everyone inside the shelter who likes cats
    • Check out the “Pets – Cat” glossary entry in-game for more details
    • There are six different cat fur patterns
  • Pet Chicken
    • Chickens produce eggs (1 each per day) and can be harvested for meat
    • A Chicken Coop object is required to be able to keep chickens
      • Chicken coops are built on the surface of the shelter
    • Fertilised eggs must be located in the world and added to a coop in order to hatch a chicken
    • Check out the “Pets – Chicken” glossary entry in-game for more details
  • Pets Management Panel
    • A new menu has been added to manage the cats and dogs you recruit
      • Can be opened using the icon with a dog on it in the top right of the screen
      • Allows you to rename them and view information such as stats, skills and age
      • An overview of your chickens can be viewed from each chicken coop
  • Pet recruiting
    • Cats and dogs can be recruited when encountering them in the world
      • You will need to gain their trust to convince them to join you
    • There is no limit to the number of cats and dogs you can have in your shelter
  • Pests – Rats
    • Rats can start to spawn in the shelter once the cleanliness level of a room is low enough
      • The chance a rat will spawn increases as the cleanliness level drops lower
      • Once a rat has spawned it will not leave until caught in a trap or dealt with by a cat
    • Rats will cause dirt and can spread to other rooms of the shelter
    • Rats will damage powered objects in the shelter
    • Rats can cause the plague illness which will kill your faction members if not treated with antibiotics
    • Rats will give your faction members negative mood modifiers. These will become more potent as more rats spawn
  • Surface wildlife – Deer
    • Deer will now appear on the surface of the shelter
    • Can be hunted by building a Deer Stand object
  • New objects
    • Drafting Table Tier 1
      • Dog bed
        • A place for your pet dogs to sleep
      • Feeding Bowl
        • The feeding bowl object is where cats and dogs feed from
      • Cat Scratching Post
        • Stops cats from damaging objects around the shelter
      • Litter Tray
        • Stops cats defecating in the shelter
      • Mouse on a Stick
        • Increases a cat’s prey drive stat
      • Cardboard Box
        • Increases a cat’s affection stat
      • Balls of Yarn
        • Increases a cat’s scavenging stat
      • Rat Trap
        • Can trap up to two rats
        • Rats can be released on the surface or harvested for meat
    • Drafting Table Tier 3
      • Chicken Coop
        • Allows you to keep chickens
        • Holds a maximum of four chickens
        • Generates fertiliser over time
      • Deer Stand
        • Used to hunt deer on the surface of the shelter
        • New equipment
    • Workbench Tier 2
      • Dog Whistle
        • Increases the range at which a party can locate a dog when exploring
      • Cat Bell
        • Increases the range at which a party can locate a dog when exploring
    • Poor Stove (Tier 1)
      • Fried egg
    • Camping Stove (Tier 2)
      • Gammon Egg and Chips
      • Mushroom Omelette
    • Microwave (Tier 3)
      • Meat and Mushroom Pie
      • Vegetable Pie
    • Oven (Tier 4)
      • Cabbage Carbonara
  • New positive mood modifiers
    • “Put To Rest”
      • Applies when burying shelter members
    • “Had a Workout”
      • Applies when using exercise equipment
  • New negative mood modifier
    • “Against slavery”
      • Applies whilst you have prisoners in prison cells inside the shelter
Balancing/Gameplay Changes
  • The dirt value of rubbish (vomit, blood, discarded food, rubbish piles from crafting, dirty objects, corpses) has been increased
  • General dirt will now build up in rooms over time, instead of only being added as part of an interaction
    • Cleaned up as part of the cleaning interactions on the Mop & Bucket object
  • The Mop & Bucket now has a “Clean Level” interaction that allows you to only clean the level the mop & bucket is on
  • Doubled the length of time a corpse will burn for in the Incinerator
  • Stage 3 part 1 of the Church of Hope’s questline now has four opponents instead of one
  • Balanced the damage output of some traps
    • Min/Max damage reduced to zero for Flashbang Proximity Mine and Gas Proximity mine
    • Min/Max damage increased for Spike Trap
  • The number of items produced at workable locations is now multiplied by the number of party members
  • Integrity loss on binoculars, camouflage, bags, and vehicle parts reduced by 50%
  • Reduced the repair cost of all equipment and car parts
    • Max repair cost is now 50% of the original recipe
  • Broken bones now persist after combat and must be cured with a splint
  • A broken arm reduces repair speed by 75%
  • A broken leg stops a member from going out on an expedition
  • Having any broken bone stops members from using exercise equipment
  • Balanced some skills
    • Pump Up
      • Instead of increasing strength it now provides a 50% damage bonus
      • Stamina cost has been reduced to 5 from 10
    • Rallying
      • Now provides a boost to dexterity instead of strength
    • Taunt
      • No longer provides +1 strength to the target
      • Reduced chance of success from 100% to 75%
    • Demoralise
      • The target now deals 25% less damage, instead of receiving -2 strength
  • The randomised stats range of all normal faction grunts has been increased by one
  • All opponents in faction encounters now have a chance to be equipped with armour
  • Balanced the number of opponents that can appear in faction encounters
    • Difficulty 1 regions
      • 1-2 opponents
    • Difficulty 2 regions
      • 1-3 opponents
    • Difficulty 3 regions
      • 2-3 opponents
    • Difficulty 4 regions
      • 3-4 opponents
    • Difficulty 5 regions
      • 4 opponents
  • The buff from using a stimulant can now increase stats past the character’s max cap
    • Up to the max limit of 20
  • The effects of stimulants no longer stack
  • When it’s time to spawn a new faction job it will now populate all free job slots
    • Also, now possible to have duplicate jobs spawn
  • Glass jar weight changed from 1 to 3
  • Reduced the rate at which heat dissipates from a room
Quality Of Life Changes
  • A party can now take out multiple 1-2 person vehicles
  • The weekly events report will now only start to trigger once a faction has been discovered
  • All weapons, bags and equipment attached to your faction members will now remain equipped until removed
    • New individual equip menu added which can be opened using the carboard box icon on the avatar panel in the bottom left
    • Any equipped items will be displayed in all relevant equipment menus (expedition setup, breach combat setup)
  • Fusebox panel updated to try to display more clearly how much power is being used to charge batteries
  • Warning text added to inventory panels to remind the player when there are items in the junk pile
  • Can now select combat positions on party setup and - whilst a party is out - from the party equip screen
    • Four yellow circles appear with their avatar
    • Click the circles to switch positions
  • Added a UI overlay to the map which will display the name of all locations on screen
    • Hold Left Ctrl when on the map
  • Added a button to the rations panel which adds 5 rations to the party
Misc Changes
  • Changed the name of the Convincing Voice faction goal to Radio Experts
  • Expedition setup panel layout updated to accommodate pet dogs
  • New entries added to the glossary for dogs, cats, chickens, pet recruitment and rats
  • Cleaning tutorial stage has been updated to cover cleaning objects
  • Added two new tutorial pop-ups about summer and winter to warn of their hazards
    • Summer prompt displays after 10 days
    • Winter prompt displays after 40 days
  • All weapons now display their type in their description
  • Recruits turning up at the shelter door now display their traits
  • Updated some glossary images
Bug Fixes
  • Toxic Morningstar no longer uses the knifing animation
  • Animals will no longer drop items when they run away
  • Fixed issue where the Incinerating Corpse job icon would be replaced with the Walk To icon when loading a save
  • The Laboratory crafting panel now displays the “refined” recipe details
  • Fixed an issue where the ailments, stats, mood, and desires panels can overlap each other if their shortcut buttons are pressed too quickly
  • Fixed an issue where ammunition wouldn’t deplete if it wasn’t the same quality as the weapon
  • Fixed an issue where the “harvested a corpse” mood modifier was being applied to psychopaths
  • Fixed an issue where the cycling animation could stop playing whilst using the Poor Bike
  • Pistols now have SFX
  • Fixed an issue where combat related desires weren’t fulfilling when completed
  • Fixed the equals button on the rations panel
  • The player’s turn will now automatically end after a failed escape attempt
  • The “Comfort Prisoner” job icon no longer displays as “Talk AI job”
  • Fixed an issue where items lost by the player in a previous encounter would be displayed if the opponent flees
  • Burnt-out objects will no longer display their object name twice when the object integrity overlay is active
  • Fixed an issue with “capture” jobs where they could be completed after the prisoner had been executed
  • Fixed an issue where the item tool tip could get stuck open on the radio panel
  • Fixed an issue where the item filters would not reset when the item transfer panel next opened
  • Fixed an issue where “-50 rep” would be displayed when defeating a faction member even though no rep was lost
  • Added missing SFX for the Disarm skill
  • A character’s name no longer randomises when switching body type on character creation
  • Potential further fix for characters who can become stuck
  • Fixed an issue where facial hair options were available for female members when using the Ceramic Sink & Mirror object
  • Fixed an issue where faction jobs and quests would remain active after wiping the faction out
  • Fixed an issue where killing and looting a faction trade group would not remove the items from the faction’s trade inventory
  • Fixed issue with not being able to trigger fights with breachers in front of stairwells
  • Fixed an issue with some interactions (paint shelter, rearrange shelter, and setup expedition) not displaying why they are unavailable during a breach
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs wouldn’t play their run animation whilst leaving the scene during an outpost attack
  • Vehicle parts no longer repair themselves when being removed and added back to a vehicle
  • Corpses of dead breachers can now be moved to medical beds - to use the Autopsy skill
  • Fixed an issue where using the “add multiple” transfer option would let you transfer more water than the shelter could store
  • Fixed an issue where a vehicle in a garage could get stuck in a “waiting modification” state
  • Fixed an issue where the desire to generate an item at a workable location wouldn’t fulfil when completed
  • Trading with factions now correctly grants reputation with that faction
  • Fixed an issue where the rearrange shelter overlay could overlap the room management overlay
  • Fixed an issue where the “Take Prisoner” option was available when the opponent fled combat
  • Fixed an issue where the medicine cabinet could block object UI warnings
  • The desire to “generate an item” will now spawn for characters once a workable location has been discovered
  • Fixed the “Likes painted walls” mood modifier
  • A skill max cap will now be displayed for characters with the “Repulsive” trait
  • Fixed an issue where the bookshelf would not recognise all the books in storage
  • The “Welcoming” skill now works
  • Characters who talk to a leader with the “Idolised” trait can no longer be insulted
  • Fixed an issue where blood pools would remain attached to fleeing enemies
  • Fixed an issue where the water bucket can remain in a character’s hand if failing to extinguish a fire
  • Reduced GPU usage on the main menu
  • Fixed an issue where planters would stop drawing power
  • Fixed an issue where fires could be extinguished when there is no water available
  • Your standing with a faction now displays correctly on the faction reputation section of the weekly events panel (if allied and reputation is negative)
  • Fixed issue with the end game enemy stats not displaying correctly
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to interact with a corpse that had previously overlapped another corpse
  • Can no longer deconstruct a recycler object whilst it is recycling or has output items to collect
  • Assigned job icons to jobs without them
  • Fixed an issue with some desires not spawning correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the leader’s portrait will not be displayed on Game Over
  • Updated the descriptions of the Schizophrenia and Insomnia mental ailments to match their effects
  • Updated the description of the Autopsy skill to stipulate that a medical bed object is required to use the skill
  • Added job icons to remaining jobs with missing icons
  • Sleeping prisoners now wake up when being comforted
  • Fixed issue with members not animating after using an item in combat
  • Fixed an issue with goal completion prompts being automatically dismissed
  • Fixed an issue where bookmarked upgrade recipes could remain bookmarked after the upgrade was crafted


New Content
  • Can now paint certain walls and add decals
    • Select “Decorate Walls” from the drafting table to go into decorating mode
    • Left click a wall to select it and then use the colour/decal pickers to change the colour and decals
    • Requires one paint can to paint a room or add a decal
  • Each faction HQ now has its own unique dialogue
Quality of Life Improvements
  • Faction jobs can now be cancelled by the player
    • Click the red X on the job listing
  • The estimated crafting quality of items is now displayed on the workbench crafting panel
  • The game camera will no longer respond to mouse movement when the game is not focused
  • When hovering over a locked tier on a crafting panel it will now display what requirements must be met to unlock that tier
  • Added blueprint crafting tier to blueprint descriptions
  • Hovering over the Drafting Table now displays how many blueprints have been added to it, along with the total number available for each tier
  • Added option to switch temperature metric from Celsius to Fahrenheit
  • Wind Turbines and Solar Panels now display their current max output based on the wind/sun levels instead of their absolute max possible output
  • Rescue jobs now list the target faction
  • Anyone using the Fire Extinguisher will now put out all objects on fire, instead of just the one, before returning it
  • The game now displays “Waiting…” when loading save slot information on the save panel
  • Added “seeds” to the item filter options
  • The faction setup menu now displays the faction name in upper and lower case characters
  • The trade panel now displays the total weight of the items to be traded
  • When placing/rearranging objects you can now snap them to the closest object using Left Alt
Balancing Changes
  • Paint cans added to items obtainable from workable Factories
  • Balanced the difficulty of generic stranger encounters (all region difficulty levels)
  • Animal encounters now scale with the region difficulty
  • The interaction length of harvesting plants from planters has been increased in higher tier planters
  • Characters will no longer receive mood modifiers from conversations if the conversation ends early
  • Increased the number of items obtained from killing bears and wolves
  • Unarmed attacks now gain a damage increase of 10% per Strength level
    • This also applies to skills which deal base damage if you are unarmed
Graphical Changes
  • Stone room wall model updated
  • The Black Roses HQ encounter tile has been flipped
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where you would not be able to cancel a job to incinerate a corpse
  • Fixed a missing faction bio text on the faction creation screen
  • Fixed an issue where different quality items could stack up together
  • Fixed an issue where members of expedition parties would return hungry when they had travel rations
  • Fixed issue with Camping Gear not degrading when used
  • Fixed an issue with motorcycles disappearing when zooming the camera
  • Fixed an issue where burnt-out objects could no longer be interacted with
  • Fixed an issue where characters could become unresponsive when trying to incinerate a body
  • Fixed an issue where harvesting plants from a Small Planter was instantaneous
  • Fixed an issue where a text key is displayed on the “carry corpse” job icon on the avatar panel
  • Fixed an issue where a partly constructed object would no longer flash after performing a save/load
  • Fixed the Infinite Ration going missing when fed to a prisoner
  • Fixed an issue where the fortitude stat would increase at a faster rate when using exercise objects outside of the required level range
  • Fixed an issue where the splint item could be used on someone without a broken bone
  • Fixed the Knick Artery skill so that the bleeding effect does stack
  • Fixed an issue where characters could no longer increase their fortitude using exercise objects when their dexterity or strength had reached 20
  • Fixed issue with tools not being added to the workbench
  • Fixed an issue where breachers could get stuck at the door if they were trying to set fire to an object in a prison cell
  • Fixed an issue where any rescue jobs involving the CTK Mob or Black Roses would display the intro text as a text key
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle frames were degrading along with vehicle parts. The frames will no longer degrade.
  • Fixed an issue where pickup trucks would float as they left the shelter
  • Fixed an issue where characters were not riding the motorcycle correctly
  • Fixed the estimated integrity calculation on the object crafting panel to include the room light bonus
  • Fixed an issue where quests would fail to spawn if the player already has five active quests
  • Fixed an issue where characters would not sleep in rooms which have been assigned to characters that are now dead or have left the shelter
  • Fixed an issue which can result in books becoming unobtainable
  • Adjusted armour damage reduction percentages to match their descriptions
  • All faction jobs will now be automatically cancelled when a faction is wiped out
  • Lowered the charisma check value from 12 to 8 on the Church of Hope’s Stage 1 – Hopeful Number 2 quest to match the dialogue
  • Objects which have no integrity level will no longer display an integrity level on the clipboard or fuse box panels
  • Can no longer prepare travel rations from food ingredients


Patch Notes - Experimental - v1.0.14 - 27th Oct 2021

  • Fixed another issue which caused quest markers to disappear after loading a save
  • Fixed issues with solar panel dirtiness levels going into negative values
  • Fixed issue with blueprints spawning at HQs
    • Any that have spawned at HQs on current saves will be repositioned to another location on the map
  • Fixed an issue with the camera going out of bounds


Patch Notes - Experimental - 1.0.13 (Hotfix) - 25th Oct 2021

  • Fixed an issue where the APR ammo would not unlock when the weapon is unlocked (will now also apply to saves with the APR already unlocked)
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to add blueprints to the Drafting Table
  • Fixed an issue where active quests would disappear from the map upon loading a save


Patch Notes - Experimental - v1.0.12 - 25th Oct 2021

  • Fixed an issue with automatically assigned travel rations going missing
  • Fixed a weapon duplication bug
  • Fixed an issue where Green Beans would be referenced instead of Peas for desires
  • Fixed an issue with the “ransom” quest which stopped the reward being given
  • Fixed an issue with the “pause in background” option not updating correctly in different
  • languages
  • Fixed an issue with the stats of the bear in the CTK Mob’s quest line
  • Fixed an issue which resulted in huge reputation losses after multiple encounters
  • Fixed an issue where the shelter storage capacity could become incorrect
  • Fixed an issue where new storage objects could be used before they are constructed
  • Fixed an issue where the room overlay information could go missing
  • Fixed an issue where the main menu would appear on top of the save slots
  • Fixed an issue where the lab could become damaged by fire and become unrepairable
  • Fixed issues with floppy disks disappearing and/or not being useable on the computer
  • Fixed an issue with planters not informing the player when plants were fully grown
  • Rage attack can no longer target the head
  • Fixed an issue where the APR ammo would not unlock when the weapon is unlocked
  • Increased the chances that the Wind Turbines will reach maximum power output
  • Fixed an issue with internal planters losing integrity when not in use
  • Fixed an issue where Rescue jobs could spawn on water
  • Fixed an issue where the upgrade options on objects would become inaccessible
  • Duplicate blueprints will no longer spawn on the map
  • Can now rename characters using the locker
  • Will no longer lose reputation with a faction when backing out of a trade. Can still lose
  • reputation if the trade fails (all offers are refused by the trader)
  • Automatically assigned travel rations now take into account the return trip
  • Character info panel positions now saved so they remain in the same position when loading
  • the save
  • Rain now cleans solar panels
  • Reduced the amount of rubber in the Inflatable Raft recipe
  • Can now recycle equipment (bags, body armours, binoculars etc.)
  • End-game damage scaling implemented


Patch Notes - Experimental - 1.0.11 - 21st Oct 2021

  • Fixed issue with faction members using sinks when their dirtiness was less than 50%
  • Fixed issue with ration crafting where it would not use the food the player selected to convert to rations
  • Can no longer queue multiple upgrades for a single object (WARNING: Temporarily introduced a bug where you could not upgrade anything)
  • Fixed an issue with the incinerator panel displaying the incorrect burn times
  • Fixed issue with incinerator panel displaying “$efficiency$%” on the efficiency label
  • Updated the incinerator object description to state is generates “power” not “fuel”
  • Faction jobs that require a target faction will no longer spawn if there are no other factions left
  • Fixed issue where members would not use any tables past the first one built
  • Fixed an issue with rescue jobs which could result in you fighting the same faction who gave you the job
  • The Russian translation of the Pistol now displays correctly
  • Fixed an issue with items being lost when transferring to the shelter (if the shelter’s inventory capacity was close to max)
  • Fixed an issue where the dialogue in rescue missions would not display correctly
  • Can now deconstruct the starting water butts
  • Added a notice to item transfers to state when items will be transferred to the junk pile
  • When working at a workable location the party will now finish working when they have generated ten items
  • Added a drop shadow to the integrity bar on items to make it more visible to people who are colourblind
  • Added item sorting options to item panels (sort by weight, quality, name, fuel value, or trade value)
  • Tweaked rates of temperature change in rooms to help balance heating/cooling systems
  • Updated the temperature rate of change label to display an increasing and decreasing value