Patch Notes - v1.1.12 - 20th Jan 2022

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Steam News - Patch 1.1.12 - 20th Jan 2022

UI Changes
  • Job icons for crafting and repairing items now display the relevant item
  • The job progress on job icons now fills around the edge of the icon backing
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed issue where defending outposts against attack would result in a black screen
  • Fixed an issue where blueprints would disappear if the ‘add blueprints’ job was cancelled before completion
  • Fixed an issue where rubbish bags on the surface would turn into breeze blocks after saving and loading
  • Fixed an issue causing the game to crash when prisoners were executed or released
  • Fixed an issue where carrying prisoner corpses to an incinerator could result in the carrier not dropping the corpse
  • Fixed an issue where defending HQs during End Game would result in a black screen
  • Fixed issue with missing characters in French language, and some text alignment issues on the leader traits menu in other languages
  • Fixed missing description for anti-venom when in combat
  • Fixed issue where the “eat rotten food” desire wouldn’t be fulfilled when eating rotten food whilst sat at a table
  • Fixed issue where the Sand ingredient in the Stairwell recipe could change quality