Patch Notes - v1.2.15 - 25th Mar 2023

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Gameplay Changes
  • Splints are now craftable from the workbench
  • Antivenom is now craftable from laboratories once The Old Clan have been defeated or allied with
  • Vehicle parts (including chassis) can now be recycled
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed issue with post game content causing endless death logs in the shelter after a breach
  • Multiple fixes for characters getting stuck using an object when loading a save file
  • Fixed an issue where party members could get stuck leaving the shelter when taking out a vehicle with not enough space for all party members
  • Fixed an issue with the max carry weight of a party not being updated when equipping/unequipping bags whilst out on expedition
    • This could cause items to go missing
  • Fixed an issue with pets getting stuck feeding or playing with a toy
  • Fixed an issue where a party could get stuck working a location for items
  • Fixed an issue with the bleeding status effect not being applied to CTK Mob members during arena battles
  • Fixed an issue with jobs being added to a full job queue causing objects to get stuck as “in use”
    • Adding jobs to a full job queue should now just cancel that job
  • Fixed an issue where the breach frequency settings weren’t being set to the correct values
  • Fixed an exploit where the fuel cost for taking a vehicle out on expedition could be avoided
  • Fixed an exploit where you could get infinite trades with traders on the surface of the shelter
  • Fixed some desires which wouldn’t complete when fulfilled (Explore with vehicle, Explore with binoculars and Excavate room)
  • Fixed multiple broken pieces of text from the pets and pests content
  • Generators no longer lose integrity when they contain no fuel
  • The "Craft a weapon" desire will now only appear once an armoury has been constructed
  • The deer stand interactions, chicken coop interactions and solar panel cleaning interaction no longer display the default job icon in the job queue