Quests/Mystical Trade

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Mystical Trade is one of the world quests.


Mystical Trade is a "world quest" that can spawn in a random hexagon on the map. When a expedition party visits this hexagon, they will encounter a strange being.

This strange being is willing to trade you a gold nugget, for one of three mystical items. Note that you can only choose one of the three items presented. Once you've made your choice, the quest ends.

The three mystical tems offered by the strange being are,

  • Karmic Armour: A piece of armour that halves damage taken from both melee and ranged weapons. However, when the wearer takes damage, it deflects 50% of the damage damage to a random character.
  • Volatile Pistol: A gun that is able to kill anything, even animals and androids, in just one shot. However, the gun gets destroyed after use.
  • Infinite Ration: A mystical can of food that never runs out. However, whoever eats from the can becomes sick.

Quest Rewards

The quest's "reward" is the item you chose to trade a gold nugget for. There are no other items rewarded besides that.


  1. It is not advised to choose the karmic armour in the late-game, because while its massive damage reduction can be significant against androids, the fact that it deals damage to a random character, including your own survivors, can make the armor suicidal.
  2. Use the Volatile Pistol SPARINGLY. Because it gets destroyed after use, it can very easily be wasted.
  3. The Infinite Food Ration sounds great on paper, but if you're going to choose the infinite ration, make sure you have plenty of antiemetics, or at least homemade antiemetics, on hand.