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The purpose of Template:Fe (foreach) is to repeatedly use a template for each argument in a pipe delimited list.

It is a version of MediaWiki Template:Foreach that uses Module:Foreach. It allows the delimiter to be one or more blank spaces, or have these at the start and/or end of it. It also has no limit on the number of list items it can handle.


Create comma delimited links to each hook in a list:

{{fe|hook|, |ParserBeforeStrip|ParserAfterStrip}}



templatename the name of a template that takes at least one parameter. Only the first parameter will be used, so the remaining parameters must be optional.
delim a delimiter that should be inserted between the results of applying the template templatename to the list items; the parameter is compulsory but it can be the empty string
item1 the first item to pass to the template, resulting in {{templatename|item1}}
item2,... (optional) the second and following items to pass to the template, resulting in {{templatename|item2}}, etc.