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Sheltered 2 has a selection of vehicles that allow you to travel the wasteland faster and carry more items. There are two types of vehicles, small vehicles and large vehicles.

Building Vehicles

To build a vehicle, you must first find its appropriate chassis. Vehicle chassis can be found while exploring the wasteland. After obtaining the chassis, you must then build a garage. Building a garage costs 6x Cement, 3x Limestone, 1x Bulb, 2x Motor, and 6x Metal, and requires a Tier 2 Workbench. Once you've got a garage and the chassis, you can place the chassis in the garage. The garage has room for either two "small" vehicles, or one "large" vehicle. This rule also applies to chassis. Once you have the chassis placed in the garage, you can start building it.

All vehicles require tyres, an alternator, a car battery, a starter motor, a clutch cable, a spark plug, a fan belt, and a distributor in order to be built. Once you've fitted all the parts into the chassis, the vehicle can be built.

Using Vehicles

After building a vehicle,it will sit in the garage. Then, you can use the vehicle to explore the world. Vehicles help you to explore the wasteland at a faster pace, as well as increase the amount of weight you can carry and decrease the tiredness level after a expedition party returns. However, in return, you must give the vehicles petrol.

Types of Vehicles

Small Vehicles

Small vehicles are fairly common vehicles found in the outside world. Small vehicles come in two varieties, the Bicycle and . Built garages can fit two small vehicles in it.

Alpha Flyer (Bicycle)

The Alpha Flyer, or the bicycle, is the lowest tier vehicle in the game. It is the easiest to find and build, and does not require any petrol to use. However, it only has space for one person one person, and doesn't provide as many advantages as the other vehicles.

They only need 2 tyres in order to be built, making it the easiest vehicle to build in the game.

These are the descriptions and stats of the bicycle.

Alpha Flyer
Description Travel Speed Storage Capacity Space For
A mass produced bicycle designed for long rides. A hardy steel frame, excellent puncture resistant tyres, and it comes generously equipped with saddlebags +50% Travel Speed +50 lbs 1 person

Rocinante MX-750 (Motorcycle)

The Rocinante MX-750, more commonly known as the motorcycle, is the "middle of the field" in terms of vehicles. It is better than the Alpha Flyer bicycle, but not as good as the Voyager F-50.

They need 2 tyres, a car battery, a starter motor, a clutch cable, a spark plug, and a distributor in order to be built.

These are the descriptions and stats of the motorcycle.

Rocinante MX-750
Description Petrol Requirements Travel Speed Tiredness Decrease Storage Capacity Space For
The Rocinante MX-750 Motorcycle is a classic of automotive engineering. With an upright riding position, it allows the rider a more relaxed ride, and better view of their surroundings. Fitted with saddlebags. 1 Petrol +100% Travel Speed -25% Tiredness Decrease +100 lbs 2 people

Large Vehicles

Large vehicles are rarer than small vehicles, but are better. Unlike small vehicles, garages can only fit one large vehicle. Currently, the only large vehicle is the Voyager F-50 pickup truck.

Voyager F-50 Pickup Truck

The Voyager F-50, also known as the pickup truck, is a large vehicle that has a fairly large petrol requirement, but offers more than any of the other vehicles.

They need 4 tyres, an alternator, a car battery, a starter motor, a clutch cable, a spark plug, a fan belt, and a distributor. This makes the pickup truck the most complex vehicle to build in the game.

These are the descriptions and stats of the pickup truck.

Voyager F-50
Description Petrol Requirements Travel Speed Tiredness Decrease Storage Capacity Space For
The Voyager F-50 is a pickup truck. This model has a unique body, is easily recognisable and iconic. Known for its great fuel economy and reliable use as a heavy-duty vehicle. 2 Petrol +150% Travel Speed -25% Tiredness Decrease +200 lbs 4 people


Insert in-game images of vehicles here.