
From Sheltered 2 Wiki
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First and foremost a game wiki such as this is intended to provide as much information to a player as possible and to augment the game experience. The bulk of this information would be what they would readily be able to learn in-game, or useful information to help them along without them having to dig around or spend significant amounts of time testing for themselves.

While spoilers are definitely something that should be included here - they should be done so with caution and warning to the reader. Without that caution, a player looking for some simple details could easily have parts of the game ruined for them. They should be optional for the player to read and not out on display to be read without realising they are in fact a spoiler.

We have a system in place to provide the ability to hide spoilers with varying header sizes. They can be used on their own (provided the spoiler content is inside the div) or used in conjunction with a header (or even remotely, where the button is in one place but the spoilers are in another) using the 'collapsible-content' nested div -- an example of one is as follows:

<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed h3" data-expandtext="Please note this section contains spoilers -- Click to unhide" data-collapsetext="You've been warned about spoilers! -- Click to re-hide" style="width:100%">
=== Section Heading Containing Spoilers ===
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Spoiler stuff line 1
Spoiler stuff line 2
Spoiler stuff line 3

Would provide a spoiler covering such as:

Section Heading Containing Spoilers

Spoiler stuff line 1
Spoiler stuff line 2
Spoiler stuff line 3

Any article that is entirely, or largely a spoiler should also be placed in the spoiler category

The short version of the rule

Ask yourself "Could this information possibly ruin the experience for a player exploring the game for themselves?"

If the answer is "Yes" or at least not definitely "No" it should be considered a spoiler.

The long version of the rule

What types of information do not constitute a spoiler?

  • Weapon stats (for generic weapons that aren't themselves spoilers)
  • Descriptions and functions of items, objects and equipment.
  • All general information that is already available in game - stats, skills, traits, how things work etc.
  • General mechanics - weather, time, weeks (and reports) and so on
  • Detailed mechanics of things in the game world that aren't already spoilers (ex: mechanics of the incinerators burn time, how batteries work, grow times for greenhouses etc)
  • Trade items offered by each faction
  • Generic jobs / quests - Anything that doesn't have a real 'depth' to it beyond 'Do thing x for y reason'
  • The map, its region and tiles (EXCEPT: Something that would only appear / be revealed as end-game progression)
  • Hints, tips and tricks to make a players game experience better (This is actually important to include in the wiki. We want to help players out as much as possible without ruining the game experience for them)

What types of information constitute a spoiler?

  • Infodumps of extremely detailed game mechanics only available by excessive testing or digging through the game data
  • Story progression that is not blatantly set out from the start of the game - From the beginning we have access to details of 'what to do' in regard to destroying or allying with the other factions. We do not know what happens after that.
  • Quest and job details - if there are specific details that would be interesting to experience as part of the game.
  • The exact squad makeup of a faction leader and how to most easily beat them in combat.
  • End-game progression types of information - Tier 4 items / objects,
  • Anything that the developers obviously put time and effort into creating and did not make obviously available from very early in the game (ex: A certain weapon reward, or the story after faction defeat/unification)