Patch Notes/Experimental/v1.2.14

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Graphical Changes
  • Updated the rat trap model to a smaller version and changed the position of the doors to be front facing
Balancing Changes
  • Reduced the dirt value of human corpses. Their dirt value now increases as time goes on, maxing out after 48 hours
  • Reduced the dirt value of rat corpses
  • Reduced the dirt value of rat droppings
  • Reduced the amount of damage rats deal to objects from 5 to 3
  • Doubled the interval between rat spawn checks. Reduced from 8 spawn checks per day, to 4 per day
  • Increased the interval between rats generating waste. Reduced from 15 times per day to 4 times per day
  • Adjusted the percentage value that the Automatic Repairing skill will trigger at. Now triggers when an object is at 10% or less integrity. Skill description updated to reflect this
Crash Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash if a character tried to pass out from exhaustion in a floor with only one room
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where characters could get stuck broadcasting on the radio
  • Fixed an issue where loading a save file with a character with an upgrade job in their job queue could break the interaction resulting in the character getting stuck
  • Fixed issue where Mop & Bucket objects could get stuck “in use” after loading a save
  • Fixed an issue where vomit piles would be destroyed when saving and re-loading
  • Fixed issue with some food items not degrading (fried eggs, gammon egg and chips, mushroom omelette, meat and mushroom pie, vegetable pie, cabbage carbonara)
  • Fixed an issue where visiting an arranged trade meet with a faction, in a region you have just taken over, results in the encounter breaking
  • Fixed an issue where defending an outpost during the end game would not result in displaying the bloodied flag of the opponent
  • Fixed an issue where a burnt-out object could no longer be repaired
  • Fixed an issue where dogs would retain their saddle bag when returning from exploring in a vehicle
  • Fixed an issue where dogs could become stuck after returning from exploring in a vehicle
  • Fixed an issue where the deer audio would play forever