Spiked Knuckle Duster

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The Spiked Knuckle Duster is a weapon that can be crafted by upgrading a Knuckle Duster via use of the armoury. It is an unarmed-type weapon that requires very low strength, deals decent damage, and has a good chance to cause bleeding. It also gives the user a +10% accuracy bonus when used.

This makes the Spiked Knuckle Duster a very good weapon to have in the early game, as it is able to afflict enemies with the Bleedingbleeding status effect. Even though many other weapons can apply the bleeding effect, the Spiked Knuckle Duster has the lowest strength requirement out of all these weapons. Plus, the amount of damage the weapon can deal is on par with weapons like the Knife and the Pitch-forked Pipe.