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A breach is an event that can occur in the game. When a breach occurs, raiders will arrive to your shelter and break in, knocking down on doors, and stealing items. There are multiple ways to deal with a breach, from planting mines to setting up traps.


There are a maximum of four characters per breach. When a breach starts, the breachers will arrive from the surface, and then enter your bunker. They will then proceed to cut down your doors and steal your items. If a breacher walks into one of your survivors, combat is initiated.


Breaches occur at random. However, the frequency of breaches can be changed via the difficulty. A higher difficulty setting will cause breaches to occur up to 75% more often, whilst an easier difficulty setting will cause breaches to occur down to half as often.

It is recommended to build a CCTV, as it gives you a 30 second warning of an incoming breach on your shelter, at the cost of some power. This 30 second warning bonus allows you to prepare for a breach before the actual breach initiates, which gives you some extra time to prepare.

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There are many ways to stop breachers from breaking into your shelter and taking your items. Those being land mines, turrets, indoor traps, and even combat.

Land Mines

There are 4 types of mines for you to use in case of a breach, the regular land mine, the flashbang mine, the gas mine, and the explosive mine. Land mines deal large amounts of damage, but requires a blueprint to unlock.

Flashbang proximity mines and gas proximity mines cause impaired vision and poison breachers, respectively. These can be good defenses against your shelter, as impaired vision adds a layer of vulnerability to breachers, as it makes them unable to use ranged weaponry. Poison serves as a method of dealing damage over time.

Explosive proximity mines deal relatively low damage, but deal splash damage to all breachers caught in its explosion.

Be sure to disarm the mines when the breach is over, the Perception stat reduces the time needed to disarm traps.

Indoor Traps

There are two indoor traps that can be used against breachers: the spike trap and the electricity trap.

The spike trap deals instant damage, albeit very low at that. The electricity trap deals slightly more damage AND dazes targets, making them susceptible to being subdued.

Note that snare traps cannot be used, as they can only capture rabbits that pass by. Also note that both of these traps must be activated manually. As with land mines, these two traps must be disarmed after the breach is over.

Sentry Turrets

There are three different sentry turrets that can be used to defend your shelter: The regular sentry turret, the improved sentry turret, and finally the military sentry turret.

The regular sentry deals 1-2 damage per bullet and holds 50 ammo, the improved sentry also deals 1-2 damage per bullet, but holds 75 ammo, and the military sentry deals 2-3 damage per bullet and holds 100 ammo. As with the other breach traps, sentries should be deactivated when the breach is over and/or when friendly visitors arrive to your shelter.

Almost all sentry turrets cost 1x rifle, 4x circuit boards, 4x motors, 5x sensors, and 10x metal to build. All materials must be of the ★★★ quality. The military one, costs one additional sensor to build.

It is generally not advised to craft either the regular sentry or the improved one, as the two cost the same price, except the improved sentry turret is unlocked as a reward from the Black Roses faction. The military one deals more damage and holds more ammo, but as mentioned earlier, it costs 1 additional sensor to build.


If all other options fail, then combat is your last resort to deal with a breach. It is recommended to pick characters with high strength, dexterity, and fortitude to attack the breachers, as these characters have high combat-related skills, and most likely have powerful skills.

Skills like Backstab, Calculated One-Two, and Poison Punch with high damage weapons are highly effective against breachers. If a character has a bladed weapon, Knick Artery works as well. In case of androids breaking into your shelter, Poison Punch and Knick Artery are useless, but Backstab and Calculated One-Two can with high damage weapons can still prove to be effective against them.

There is a skill in the Fortitude tree named "Home Turf Advantage", which boosts damage when fighting inside the shelter. This can serve as a useful still to have during a breach, as your character will have extra damage from fighting off the breachers inside the shelter.

Types of Breachers

Breach parties can consist of up to 4 people. The more people, the more dangerous, as more people can breach through doors and steal more items.

The breachers will occasionally be members of a faction you have a low reputation with.

All animals cannot raid your shelter, as these are located in the outside world only.

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